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GenTime is a study of gender inequality in patterns of time use across Asian and Western societies. We investigate the development trajectories and provision of unpaid work in different welfare regimes and the systematic differences between men and women in the amount of time they spend on daily activities and their daily life schedules. We take time use as an important parameter of public policies. We examine if Asian regimes represent a distinct typology among the welfare regimes defined in existing research. The project aims to shed new light on the gender division of labour and social inequality across different regime types.


     Furthermore, we will examine how the use of modern technology in care provision and domestic labour may shape the trends in gender inequality. We will investigate the impacts on gender difference in leisure time and enjoyment in daily activities. High quality cross-national and historical comparative time diary data and household panel data will be analysed to study gender inequality 1) at the household level on how couples divide their roles in work and family; 2) at the societal level on the role of welfare regimes in shaping the trends in domestic division of labour; and 3) from a life course perspective on the impacts of time use on later family outcomes.

Email: man-yee.kan [at]


T. 123-456-7890

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