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Shohei Yoda’s recent research interests cover fertility projection, trends in marriage and divorce in Japan, and time use of single mothers. He is an investigator for the Japanese National Fertility Surveys and a member of the research project that produces Japan’s population projections.




Satu Ojala holds a title of docent (highest academic degree in

Finland) from the University of Jyväskylä. She is a principal investigator of a two-year longitudinal research project on work careers in Finland. Her research interests lie in the areas of social policy and work-life research.





Ki-soo Eun’s research interests cover comparative family study, time use, gender studies, transnational migration, migrant care workers, care economy, inclusive growth and inclusive nation-building. Professor Eun currently serves as President of the Korean Association for Time Studies in Korea and Vice-President of the Korean Association of Population. He is currently building a new research centre, Centre for Transnational Migration and Social Inclusion located at Graduate School of International Studies, Seoul National University.



Anne Lhuissier’s current research interests focus on the history of family budget surveys and food surveys (France and Britain) and in the social stratification of eating, meal patterns and mealtimes (France and Chili). She is working with Professor Kan on a project comparing the enjoyment of family time and family meals in France and the UK.




Laurent Lesnard is Professor of Sociology (Directeur de recherche CNRS) at Sciences Po, Paris, France. As a sociologist of time in contemporary societies, Laurent Lesnard is interested in issues of individual and conjugal work schedules and the transformation of social ties.




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